Find a chapter

Get involved by joining one (or more) alumni chapters associated with a region/city or VCU schools, departments, social and fraternal organizations and other special interests.

You can choose as many chapters as you like. For more information on each alumni group, visit

Don’t see a group that shares your interests? We encourage alumni to develop groups, and we’ll support your efforts including posting information on the VCU Alumni website and social media pages. For more information email

  • 1 Chapters Select as many chapters as you would like.

    These groups provide alumni with outlets for additional engagement. We know everyone isn't tied closely academically or some might want to connect with more than one academic chapter. Some alumni prefer to connect with the university and other alumni through nonacademic avenues. Chapters fall into three categories -- academic, shared interest and geographic.
    • Academic

    • Regional

    • Identity-based

      Shared interest

  • 2Personal information