2012 MCV Campus award winners
MCV Alumni Association of VCU Award Recipients
General Awards
Sean Brodie (M1) received the MCVAA Legacy Scholarship
Dr. Shirley J. Thompson (B.S.'60/N) received the Outstanding Alumnus Award.
Dr. Michael O. McMunn (D.D.S.'77/D) received the Hodges-Kay Service Award.
Division recipients
Allied Health Professions-Health Administration*
Tracy Kemp Stallings (B.N.S.'85/N; M.S.H.A'95/AH) received the Alumnus of Year Award.
Tracy Kemp Stallings
Dr. J. Marvin Reynolds (D.D.S.'51/D) received the Harry Lyons Outstanding Alumnus Award.
J. Marvin Reynolds with Dean David Sarrett, D.M.D.
Dr. William D. Covington (D.D.S.'62/D), Dr. Maury Hubbard (D.D.S.'62/D), Dr. J. Gary Maynard(D.D.S.'62/D) received the James H. Revere Outstanding Service Award.
William Covington, Maury Hubbard and J. Gary Strong with Dean Sarrett
Dr. Elizabeth Berry (D.D.S'07/D; M.Ph.'09/M; M.S.D '09/D) received the Outstanding Graduate of the Last Decade Award.
Christy Casella (B.S.'77/D) received the Outstanding Dental Hygienist Award.
Dr. Diane J. Sansonetti (M.D.'77/M; H.S.'85/M) received the Outstanding Medical Alumnus Award.
Dr. H. George "Mud" White, Jr. (M.D.'62/M) received the Caravati Service Award.
Diane Samsonetti and H. George "Mud" White
Leslie G. Wyatt (B.S.'72/N; M.S.'76/N) received the Outstanding Nurse Alumnus Award.
Cynthia M. Fagan (B.S.'97/N; M.S.'99/N) received the Outstanding Nurse Service Award.
Teresa K. James (B.F.A'99/A; B.S.'07/N) received the Outstanding Nurse Practice Award.
Leslie Wyatt, Cynthia Fagan and Teresa James
Elizabeth "Scotti" Russell (B.S.'77/P) received the Outstanding Pharmacy Alumnus Award.
John P. Crowder, III (B.S.'79/P) received the Distinguished Pharmacy Alumnus Award.
John Crowder and Dean Yanchick
All awards were presented during Reunion Weekend April 20-22 unless otherwise noted.
*Presented Oct. 20, 2011 at the Paul A. Gross Distinguished Leadership Dinner.