Black Alumni Council

VCU’s Black Alumni Council fosters pride among alumni and students through strategic engagement, promoting their holistic growth and contributing to their recruitment and retention.

Questions about the Black Alumni Council? Contact VCU Alumni at

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View all alumni events.

Participation in any alumni engagement event is open to all members of the VCU community.

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Council meetings

Join the VCU Black Alumni Council to learn more about the BAC, ways to get involved and to share feedback. Hear committee updates, upcoming event and program information and learn about philanthropic initiatives for students and alumni.

Join our next meeting

The Mentoring Circle

The award-winning Mentoring Circle connects current students with alumni mentors for one year, to promote and contribute to the recruitment and retention of students. Our students need someone like you, to help guide them through college life. Be a part of a student's village today.

Become a mentor


The Black Alumni Council is proud to recognize and support the academic achievements of students by offering a two scholarships to qualified candidates: The Rodney A. Harry Leadership Scholarship and the Black Alumni Council Merit Scholarship. Learn more or apply to these scholarships.

These scholarships are made possible by the generosity of alumni like you. Make sure students at VCU get the support and enrichment they need. 

Support students


Sabrina Scott-Lorestil, Ph.D. (B.S.'09) 
Daniel Brisker (B.S.'09)
Immediate Past President

Alonzo Brooks (B.S.'06)
Co-Chair, Mentoring Circle

Sakinah Edens (B.F.A.'95)
Lucy Hudson, Ed.D. (B.S.'04, B.A.'08, M.Ed.'11, Ed.D.'22)
Co-Chair, Mentoring Circle

Tre Straughter (B.S.'16)
Interim Co-Chair,
Young Alumni Engagement


 Tyanna Haynes (B.S.'22)
Co-Chair, Young Alumni Engagement

 Tiffany Gary (B.S.'00)
Chair, Programming and Events

Ericka Black (B.A.'22)
Co-Chair, Community Service 

Not pictured



Nicole Carter (B.S.'01, M.S.'06)
Co-Chair, Community Service