Welcome, organization leader!
VCU Alumni chapters and constituent organizations are integral to fostering a strong, lifelong connection between alumni and VCU. Together with the efforts of the Office of Alumni Relations and the VCU Alumni Council, your contributions as a volunteer chapter leader support our shared mission: to enhance, unite and support the VCU Alumni community worldwide.
To best support you in your work as a chapter leader, we want to make sure that you have all the resources you need for success. The pages linked here make up the Constituent Organization Leaders Resource Guide: a reference point to help you navigate through chapter operations. This information will help you organize, lead and promote your chapter’s programs and activities.
Use the links below or in the side menu to find the information you need. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please reach out to a member of our team.
- Constituent organizations and networks
- Communications and marketing
- Constituent organization finances
- Training and development opportunities
We appreciate all that you do to connect with Rams in your communities and around your shared interests and academic backgrounds. Your chapters and constituent organizations exemplify the Ram spirit, and your programs and activities help to bring that spirit to the 212,000 alumni around the globe — and right here in our backyard. Thank you for your commitment and your dedication to VCU and to your fellow alumni.