A soft yellow-black toned image of roses on a book

In memoriam

Deceased Black alumni and friends since Reunion Weekend 2023. Survivors and friends of deceased alumni can help by sending a link to the online obituary to alumni@vcu.edu.

Michelle Belsches (B.S.'85)
Jonathan Bullock (B.S.’94)
Naim A. Cash (B.F.A.’06)
Margie L. Clarke (B.S.’77)
Michael Hervey (B.S.’83)
Robyn R. Hobson (B.I.S.’13)
Elizabeth R. Howard (B.S.W.’16)
Jessica A. Hoyle (Pharm.D.’14)
Debra S. Jackson (B.S.’99)
Daphane Johnson (B.F.A.'86)
Gino Jordan (B.S.'03)
Jacqueline A. Jordan (B.S.’84)
Arletha Kincaid (M.S.'19)
Anthony Lewis (B.S.'13)
Delores L. Lucas (B.S.’93)
Charlice Moore (B.S.'84, M.Ed.'99)
Theodore Richardson (B.S.'97)
Kenny L. Ricks (B.F.A.’92)
Carol Weaver (M.Ed.'81)
Claudette H. Wilhite (B.S.’91)
Lauretta Winfrey ('53)